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  • Writer's picturedonnafrasca

A Channeled Message from Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Michael

While listening to the haunting melodies of Ryan Farish, the song "Fragile" came on and swept me. The channel began.

I was guided to pull my angel cards and I'm so glad I did! This is the angelic message for today, and it's ALL about SELF-LOVE.

The first question I asked the Angels was:

What is our message for today?

No matter where we are in life, we all have very different journeys, yet we share one similar note, that is self-love. We all want to be loved, we all want to feel good and be happy, but what's becoming a struggle is that many of us don't know how to achieve that.

Archangel Chamuel, the Angel of the heart chakra, comes in strongly to say. “Now more than ever, SELF-LOVE should be your priority in life. It's not selfish to put yourselves first but a necessity. When you love yourself, love flows easily, both giving and receiving."

The second question I asked the Angels was:

How do we achieve self love?

Archangel Chamuel comes in again, saying to PAMPER yourself. "Do what you want in life. Do what feels good to you. Do what brings you joy. Do what your soul is guiding you to do and you can't go wrong following that direction, for it is the direction of where your soul is taking you."

The third question I asked the Angels was:

What is the final result of pampering and self love?

Without hesitation, Archangel Michael comes in with ANGELIC POWER. “You all contain the energy and light of the Angels within yourselves. Keep that channel of light clear and focused. When your light begins to dim, call on us for assistance. We are here for you."

Thank you Angels for the message of self-love.


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