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  • Writer's picturedonnafrasca

Exploring the Complexity of Spiritual Experiences: Validating the Unexplainable

These ascension steps in life are monumental and complex.

It's amazing when you wake up one day and just get it. When you listen to something on a podcast and it echoes your thoughts exactly. This is what happened to me this morning while listening to a podcast on Astral Projection. Since I have no one to ask about my experiences, because I have not physically met anyone who "travels," I have to refer to podcasts and reading to get my information. It is what it is.

Most of the experiences I've had are very hard to explain or to convince people it's not my imagination and actual spiritual occurrences. The great thing is, I'm finding information that answers questions I had in my mind and validates the experiences I've had, which in itself is comforting.

I see the world around me changing and growing so fast! What's upfront and center are people's thoughts and emotions - and yes, those experiences that are hard to explain. When I say, "hard to explain," I mean it's too complicated or emotional to explain it all again to someone, or spiritual experiences that you have absolutely no proof of validating. Some of these experiences include Astral Projection, talking to or seeing people who have passed, telepathy, lucid dreaming, and bilocation, just to name a few. This is my world, small on one hand yet so expansive and without limits.

My conclusion, or advice, is NOT to go to a spiritual guru for advice. When it's in your best interest, and for your highest good, this information will be presented to you in some way without you searching for it. The puzzle pieces will just start going together. WE have to find our own information and our soul will guide us to that - this you have to believe.

Today I feel lighter - yet another slight ascension, in knowing that my mind is now strongly connected to my body and spirit. I trust in myself and the direction I am going in, and I know that I can create my own world and manifest what I want. This is such a big step and yes, hard to explain. Once you get "there," you'll just know. Happy traveling.


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